During the national Eucharistic revival, we’ve been having our own Great Revival here at St Leo! This is a major interior renovation for our church, which parallels the total interior transformation of our hearts. Our architect and builders have been hard at work and should be done by Easter 2025.

By the grace of God, we’ve been able to raise a little over $1.3 million for this project so far! This is a major accomplishment for a parish our size! However, we still have $280,000 to go.
Recently, a generous donor has graciously offered to match every dollar donated between Jan 15 and March 30, up to $140,000. If we meet this match, we will have reached our final goal of 1.6 million! We have two months!
The vast majority of our parishioners have already given toward this campaign. At this time, we are especially looking for donors outside of our parish to help us get to the finish line. Their donations will not only benefit our parish but have a major impact on the north side of Lafayette for generations to come!
If you’d like to contribute to our historic endeavor, or if you have any connections, resources, or advice to share with us, please use one of the buttons below. Most importantly, please pray for us!
Cherie Martin
Business Manager